Who Operates RHYTTAC?

RHYTTAC is operated by Youth Collaboratory (formerly known as MANY, Mid-Atlantic Network of Youth and Family Services), a nonprofit organization that harnesses the power of the youth services community to innovate, evaluate, and drive effective strategies that assure the safety and well-being of youth and young adults, unlocking their limitless potential. Since our founding over 30 years ago, we have focused on finding solutions to the complex challenges young people face in our country. While these problems don’t always have obvious solutions, we believe that they are solvable with a comprehensive, evidence-driven approach.

Youth Collaboratory has three primary areas of focus:

  • Coordinated community responses to youth and young adult homelessness;
  • Preventing and addressing relationship violence, sexual exploitation, and trafficking of youth; and,
  • Supporting opportunities for young people to build community with family, peers, and others to enhance their assets, explore their strengths, and develop lasting connections.

We tackle these issues collaboratively with a comprehensive approach that crosses all sectors of the youth-services field. Through targeted consulting services, strategic national partnerships, and research-based program models, we develop innovative, effective, and sustainable approaches to program improvement for youth serving nonprofits across the country.

We closely partner with Chapin Hall to operate RHYTTAC.

Chapin Hall is a research and policy center focused on improving the well-being of children and youth, families, and their communities. It develops and tests new ideas; generates and analyzes information; and examines policies, programs, and practices across a wide range of service systems and organizations. Chapin Hall has decades of highly utilized, applied research experience and policy engagement related to vulnerable youth and families; systems and services; positive youth development; trauma and wellbeing; program evaluation; and administrative data systems and analysis.

Chapin Hall leads the most comprehensive national research initiative to-date on youth homelessness, Voices of Youth Count (VoYC). VoYC provides an unprecedented evidence base on the prevalence, characteristics, and voice of the population; the capacity of communities and providers; and programs and practices for RHY and to prevent youth homelessness. Chapin Hall also convenes a Technical Advisory group of many of the nation’s leading research experts on youth homelessness.