Welcome to RHYTTAC

The Runaway and Homeless Youth Training, Technical Assistance, and Capacity Building Center (RHYTTAC) is the training and technical assistance provider for all federally-funded runaway and homeless youth (RHY) grantees. RHYTTAC assists these organizations in developing and implementing effective approaches to serving young people who have run away and/or are impacted by homelessness, accessing new resources, and establishing linkages with other programs with similar interests and concerns. RHYTTAC:

  • Provides direct capacity building support for programs and communities in the form of technical assistance, training, and online communities;
  • Develops tools and resources, and manages multiple communication channels for dissemination of those resources; and,
  • Leads a coordinated strategy across federal departments and other national grantees.

Please contact the RHYTTAC training and technical assistance team at [email protected] with your questions, training needs, ideas, and other requests for assistance.

Click here to check out the latest updates and announcements in RHY News.

Right side of image is image of a hand stacking wooden blocks with learning icons on them and text that reads RHY Resources

Check out the RHYTTAC Resource Database

In a coordinated effort to enhance accessibility and streamline support for the youth homelessness field, we are also pleased to announce the migration of invaluable resources from the National Clearinghouse on Homeless Youth and Families (NCHYF) to the RHYTTAC website. Now, under the umbrella of RHYTTAC's repository of resources, users can expect to find the research, resource library, and screening tools previously found on the NCHYF site at resources.rhyttac.org.

This content library along with RHYTTAC’s eLearning and the Community of Practice will offer expanded opportunities for collaboration and resource utilization. Stay tuned for an enriched online presence and an even more comprehensive repository of tools and information. 

eLearning Manager Role - New!

Organizations can now gain more insight into their team’s training completion through a Manager Role in eLearning. RHY Organizations can designate a staff member to be ‘Manager’ over their team within eLearning through the Manager Role. Managers can assign/enroll staff in courses, set due dates for course completion, track course completion, and see staff’s training history. This new feature supports teams’ compliance in meeting the training requirements. You can learn more here

Managers must complete an eLearning module about the role in order to be given Manager permissions. If you are interested in setting up a Manager for your organization, please complete the form below and a member of our team will be in contact with you. Complete the Manager Role Interest Form Here

Right side of image is a group of young adults standing in front of a painted block wall smiling and left side text that reads RHY Grantee Foundational Resources

Runaway and Homeless Youth Grantee Foundational Resources

There are a lot of details to consider in implementing Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) grants. RHYTTAC's RHY Grantee Foundational Resources webpage contains links to resources that RHY grantees and staff (new and experienced) can reference. You may use the Foundational Resources webpage as a starting place and return as needed (bookmark the webpage linked below for easy access). 

Click here to explore the RHY Grantee Foundational Resources webpage.